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Construction Safety Tips: Personal Experience With an Outcome [Video]

Frick and Frack may not be the sharpest knives in the drawer, but we're pleased to learn they're both smart enough to keep their hands out of reach of a snapping turtle. In our latest installment of the Construction Safety Video Blog, sit back and enjoy some viral videos while learning about safety with everybody's favorite Certified Safety Professional... and Frack.

Your Personal Experiences Influence Your Decisions

Nothing informs you better in decision making than the results of past decisions. If you've had a bad experience, your risk tolerance decreases--you learn quickly not to do that again. On the other hand, a positive experience can lower your risk tolerance.

It highly important for employees to share their experiences, allowing others to learn from their mistakes. Managers can develop best practices, and alert the rest of their crew of potential dangers on the job site making the workplace safer for everyone. 

More From Frick & Frack

If you've missed our other videos or want to review the other factors influencing risk tolerance, we've got the series so far right here:

This duo will be back next month with another video, but don't put off learning how to improve safety decision making for your company. Download our Complete Guide to Fatality Elimination today.

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