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Wounded Warriors Benefit from Beach Week with Support from Building Solutions

The sound of laughter and water splashing filled the air as wounded soldiers and veterans – along with their families – played on kayaks and paddle boards along Bethany Beach. This fun and stress-free time was just one of several events organized by Operation SEAs the Day, a Delaware-based non-profit organization.

For five years, Operation SEAs the Day has coordinated an annual Warrior Family Beach Week to show appreciation for the service and sacrifice of veterans and soldiers who are recovering from injuries sustained while serving.

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This year’s event was held September 5th through the 10th, and – with a focus on the entire family – included a variety of activities for all ages. Despite heavy rain on some days, families had fun participating in therapeutic horseback riding, kayaking, paddle boarding, tennis, boat excursions, golf, a spa day, bonfire, and an evening parade and concert. Visit the 2017 Warrior Beach Week webpage to view a photo slideshow.

“Seeing the families and their smiles, and being able to give them a fun and relaxing week is great,” said Building Solutions Regional Vice President Brett Chottiner. “It was great to help out.”

The Beach Week lets soldiers and their families relax, have fun, and easily transition back into civilian life. Host families assist the guests during the week, and beach houses are often “donated” to the cause giving each solider and their family a real sense of being on vacation.

Volunteer and sponsorship opportunities for individuals, and both large and local companies, are also available to support the effort. Building Solutions has been a sponsor of the program over the years, and employees from the different company businesses have given their time and commitment.

“The Beach Week is a meaningful event to be a part of,” said Building Solutions President John Kemp. “Every year I’m prouder than the year before to be a part of an organization that helps our real American heroes.”

If you are interested in assisting Operation SEAs the Day for future Warrior Family Beach Weeks, the organization begins coordinating volunteers in July. In the meantime, please visit the organization’s website, Facebook, and Twitter to see the latest photos and to see how people came together to make a difference.

Learn More About SEAs the Day

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