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2015, A Great Year of Building Solutions

2015 was an exciting year for the construction industry! Millennials are driving multifamily housing and changing how we hire; permeable concrete is more absorbent than ever; BIM for masonry is poised to change everything and job site safety is as important as ever—and we’ve covered it all!

We’re following so many trends and can’t wait to see what’s new and exciting in 2016. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s take a look back at 2015. What have you been responding to? These are our top 7 posts, ranked by our readers.

Permeable Concrete Absorbs 4000 Liters of Water In 60 Seconds

Permeable Concrete Absorbs 4000 Liters of Water In 60 Seconds

This was the year permeable concrete became a top trending topic across social media. It’s no wonder, Topmix Permeable is extraordinary, effortlessly absorbing 4,000 liters of water in a minute flat.

This was our top post of the year. If you missed this, check it out. Even if you saw it the first time, go watch the video again. It’s still an amazing sight. Read more

8 Elements of an Energy Efficient Build

8 Elements of an Energy Efficient Build

Sustainable building is a boon for the bottom line, critical for the environment and necessary for attracting the burgeoning millennial housing market.

Building green was a important topic in 2015, and will continue to be in 2016 and beyond. The 8 elements of an energy efficient build aren’t changing and their relevance will only increase as we build for the future and future generations. Read more

2016 Construction Forecast: Cloudy or Sunny?

2016 Construction Forecast: Cloudy or Sunny?

2015 was an exciting year for construction—will 2016 be a continuation of this incredible growth or is it time to take a step back and ride out a slow down? What better way to reflect on a great year than to peer into the future.

Our Business Intelligence team digs into the data, unearthing what’s happening and what it means for the next year in construction. Read more

Beware the Wildly Optimistic Construction Forecast

Beware the Wildly Optimistic Construction Forecast

Spoiler alert here if you haven’t read the last post on our list: the construction forecast for 2016 is very promising, even by conservative standards. But not everyone is being conservative in their forecasts.

It’s important not to be carried away by unrealistic numbers, however. Guest blogger Toby Morrison of Insights at Metrostudy offers a voice of reason. Remember: Steady, sustained growth allows for proper planning and incremental opportunities. Read more

Reinforced Concrete Pipe vs. Plastic Pipe

Reinforced Concrete Pipe vs. Plastic Pipe

Judging by our website analytics, the debate continues: concrete pipe or plastic pipe for storm drains, sanitary sewers, culverts and irrigation?

Both options serve their purpose, moving or diverting liquids from one place to another, but what is the best option for the job when taking into account durability, value, efficiency and performance? This isn’t a new question, but it was a big one with our readers in 2015. Read more

Building Social Relationships that Last

Building Social Relationships that Last

There’s more to construction than just building buildings! As with any industry, people and building relationships is key to success.

Social media is a powerful way to reach people, expand your audience and improve the reputation of your brand… but only if you do it right. Read more

Bringing BIM to Masonry

Bringing BIM to Masonry

Building Information Modeling (BIM) revolutionized the construction industry, allowing us to increase efficiency while also increasing complexity, building like never before.

It’s been a long time coming, but finally we’re seeing the first fruits of efforts to bring BIM to masonry. In 2015 huge strides were made to finally bring BIM to the masonry. Will 2016 be the year of BIM-Masonry? Read more

2015 and Beyond

Thanks for a great year! We look forward to uncovering new trends, highlighting upcoming innovations and continuing to be your comprehensive, inside source in the construction industry.

What are you excited about this year? Send us an email with any questions, comments or ideas you have. In the mean time, sign up for our monthly blog notifications to be sure you don’t miss a thing in 2016.

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