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Building Solutions

The Building Solutions team at CRH is a group of construction industry veterans with diverse backgrounds — from general contractors, architects, and engineers to business owners, developers, and urban planners. We've seen first-hand how technology, the economy, and politics can affect the construction industry. Through our blog and articles on our website, we provide you with our insights to help you understand these influencing factors and plan for the road ahead.

June 5, 2015 Psychology and Construction Safety: Mind Over It Doesn't Matter Psychology goes a long way in the arena of safety. Individual personalities alone are a huge differentiator in how one person may act in a given situation, ...Keep Reading
By Building Solutions
June 5, 2015 Are You Really Building a Construction Safety Focused Team? It may not be an easy process the whole way through, but getting your team on board with your construction safety procedures is imperative to save lives. Every ...Keep Reading
By Building Solutions
June 4, 2015 Is Construction Safety Really Your Top Priority? The construction industry is made up of opportunities for growth—we create the future with every new structure that goes up. Our workers are talented men and ...Keep Reading
By Building Solutions
June 4, 2015 Construction Safety: Your Guide to Avoiding Injuries Accidents are, by definition, an event that happens by chance. They’re unexpected and certainly not wanted. Accidents are bound to happen to everyone, and can ...Keep Reading
By Building Solutions
June 3, 2015 5 Construction Safety Tips That Will Save Lives Changing a company culture is a long process that can take years to fully establish, so starting off strong is half the battle. To be carried out successfully, ...Keep Reading
By Building Solutions
May 11, 2015 Innovative Building Materials Play a Significant Role in Meeting Energy Codes Understanding the effects energy codes are having on design is quickly becoming a top priority for architects, developers, and general contractor firms.
By Building Solutions
April 23, 2015 Is ‘Lowest Price Technically Acceptable’ Killing Design? Recently the lowest price technically acceptable (LPTA) clause has come under fire from all corners. Critics argue that the LPTA clause kills design, cripples ...Keep Reading
By Building Solutions
March 23, 2015 Reinforced Concrete Pipe vs. Plastic Pipe Reinforced concrete or plastic pipe–it seems like a simple question, but in fact is not. The two materials have proponents and detractors in approximately ...Keep Reading
By Building Solutions
February 21, 2015 Three Cool Building Products You May Not Have Known About To do the best work possible, you want the best building tools and products possible. Here are three we want to make sure are on your radar as you're ...Keep Reading
By Building Solutions
February 20, 2015 Identifying and Managing Avoidable Costs During a Project Bringing a job in on budget is a challenge for every contractor and owner/builder. Few projects cost less than expected and lack of attention to detail will ...Keep Reading
By Building Solutions
February 19, 2015 Right Tool for the Right Job: Managing Stormwater Every time it rains, streets and parking lots create stormwater runoff which carries oil and grease and other harmful chemicals off with it, overloading ...Keep Reading
By Building Solutions
February 16, 2015 Keep Your Cool with Hot Weather Concreting One of the greatest advantages to pouring concrete is you can do it all year long. However, as the seasons change so does the necessary steps to ensure quality ...Keep Reading
By Building Solutions

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