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Building Solutions Construction Data and Trends Vol 53, March 3, 2017

Every two weeks, Oldcastle Building Solutions Business Intelligence prepares a report focused on understanding and analyzing construction market data and trends.

This in-depth report is developed primarily for internal distribution, but Oldcastle Building Solutions exists to inform construction professionals like you, so we're making this report available for anyone who's interested in reading it.


What's New In This Report?

Construction Highlights


January 2017 ABI was 49.5, dipping below the neutral mark, after strong December

Dodge Momentum Index (DMI) increased 3.9% in January 2017 to 142.6

Construction Update

Construction Update

January 2017 Housing Permits up 8.2% since last year; starts also up 10.5% in year

New single-family sales: 555k houses, 5.5% above the January 2016 estimates

Economic Update

Economic Update

2nd estimate of ral GDP for Q4 2016 was 1.9%; 2016 overall growth 1.6%

U.S. Construction Put-in-Place up 3.1% annually to $1.18T in January 2017


Key Takeaways

  • The Architectural Billings Index (ABI), a 9-12 month leading indicator for commercial construction, dropped below the neutral (50) market to 49.5 in January 2017, following December's very strong showing
  • The Dodge Momentum Index (DMI) made gains in January 2017, with 3.9% growth to 142.6, marking the new highest score in 8 years
  • Housing permits made gains in January 2017 to 1.3M, 8.2% above January 2016's rate; both Single Family and Multi-Family permits made gains over the year
  • Housing starts increased in January 2017 by 10.5% from last year to 1.2M; Single Family starts were up 6.8% and Multi-Family starts were up 19.8% from last year
  • 555K new Single Family homes were sold in January 2017, 5.5% above the January 2016 rate
  • The second estimate of Q4 2016 GDP was unchanged from the first estimate of 1.9%. GDP growth for 2016 is estimated at 1.6% overall, also unchanged
  • Construction Put-in-Place was $1.18T in January 2017, 3.1% above a year ago activity. Gains in private construction activity were offset by contractions in public

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