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Construction Safety Tips: Overestimating Capability or Experience [Video]

Frick & Frack 2: Overestimating Capability or Experience

Frick and Frack are back with the second installment of the Building Solutions safety video blog. This time, Frick swallows his pride and serves as an object lesson for the first key factor that guides decision making:

Overestimating Capability or Experience

Workers young and old, new and experienced, are all prone to overestimating. While younger workers often overestimate their physical capabilities, older workers familiarity with construction site processes can overestimate their experience. Either way, the result is the same: increased risk tolerance.

More From Frick & Frack

Have you missed an update from our video blog? No problem, we'll put the links below.

As always, we hope you’ve had as much fun watching this video as we’ve had making it. If you missed our last video, you can find it here and watch for next month, when Frick & Frack warn: Beware of Familiarity With a Task.

Construction site safety is serious business. Don’t wait until next week to learn about the rest of the factors that influence safety decision making. Download our guide to construction site safety today.

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