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Construction Safety Tips: Seriousness of the Outcome [Video]

Frick and Frack are at it - and at each other - again in the fourth installment of the Construction Safety Video Blog. This month, our bumbling heroes dig into a dark chapter of their past to explain the next factor effecting risk tolerance.

Understanding a Job's Risks

It's a tough truth that most jobs have risks associated for them. Even in very practiced and controlled operations, people can manage to sustain injuries and encounter danger. If workers aren't aware of how they can get hurt or don't comprehend the extent of a job's risks, they are less likely to avoid unsafe conduct.

The better we can communicate with our employees so they truly understand the hazard and the potential outcomes of that hazard, the better we can combat the seriousness of outcome.

More From Frick & Frack

If you've missed our other videos or want to review the other factors influencing risk tolerance, we've got the series so far right here:

This duo will be back next month to delve into Factor 5: Personal Experience With An Outcome, but don't put off learning how to improve safety decision making for your company. Download our eBook, the Complete Guide to Fatality Elimination, today. 

Download the Fatality Elimination eBook

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