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Maximize Buildable Land and Minimize Environmental Impact with Low Impact Development Stormwater Management [Video]

Land development can help our communities grow, but it can also turn open fields into acres of impervious surfaces, requiring practical solutions for stormwater management. Traditionally, parking lots and other impervious surfaces require stormwater to be collected and channeled to storm drain systems to prevent flooding, but this can negatively impact the once-untouched land which allowed water to percolate into the ground.


Managing Stormwater Runoff with LID Solutions

To mitigate the harmful effects of stormwater runoff, many communities are turning to Low Impact Development (LID) solutions. LID designs can reduce runoff at the source and keep stormwater on the site where it fell rather than it being carried downstream and potentially polluting our rivers.

So how can you maximize buildable land, control flooding, and store large volumes of stormwater while still meeting LID requirements? PermeCapture® solves many of these design challenges and provides a green building solution for many commercial and residential sites.

PermeCapture3-209134-edited.jpgPermeCapture combines the advantages and versatility of underground stormwater storage modules with the aesthetics and performance of permeable pavers to provide a stand-alone, LID solution for total stormwater management.

This integrated system is comprised of Belgard® permeable interlocking concrete pavers and StormCapture® structural precast concrete underground stormwater storage modules. Below the pavers and in the joints between them, aggregate provides enhanced filtration and removal of Total Suspended Solids (TSS).

HydraPorts™ are openings in the tops of the StormCapture modules which allow runoff to enter so it can infiltrate into the subsurface or for many other applications.

PermeCapture applications include:

  • Infiltration into subsurface
  • Retention
  • Detention
  • Stormwater and rainwater harvesting
  • Flood management

Because stormwater can flow directly from the surface of the pavers down into the below grade storage modules, the system minimizes the need for conventional stormwater collection methods such as catch basins and inlets.

PermeCapture in Action

Villas_Altozano_3661.jpgAt the Villas Altozano development in Scottsdale, Arizona, you can see the PermeCapture system in action. You won't believe the results:

  • Over 5500 liters of water absorbed in less than two minutes.
  • Reduces stormwater runoff by up to 90%.
  • TSS removal as high as 60-90% by permeable pavers.

The flexibility of PermeCapture system allows for installation in a wide variety of commercial and residential applications to enhance the aesthetics of the site while maintaining superior performance capabilities and meeting LID requirements.

Want to learn more about our revolutionary stormwater management solutions? Download the Paving the Way for Long-Term Stormwater Management eBook now.


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