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Safety Video Blog Season 2 Roundup – The 11 Fundamentals for Fatality Elimination

We had an exciting year with Frick and Frack as they taught us how to stay safe and alive on the job site. As we gear up for 2018, let's review everything we covered in 2017 about the Fundamentals for Fatality Elimination.

Risk Assessment

Frick and Frack – Risk AssessmentThe series started off with the stages of risk assessment when beginning a project. Here's what you need to evaluate:

  1. Frequency: How often you are exposed to a hazard while doing a task
  2. Likelihood: The probability that an incident will occur while doing a task
  3. Severity: How serious might the injury be if an accident DID occur 

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Mobile Plant Safety

Frick and Frack – Mobile Plant Safety

Next up, we talked about plants – mobile plants that is! Frick and Frack covered the six key areas of mobile plant operation:

  1. Site Design and Traffic Control
  2. Vehicle/Pedestrian Segregation
  3. Mobile Equipment Inspection
  4. Quality Operator Training
  5. Proper Load Securement
  6. "Reverse" Protective Systems 

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Isolation of Operating Machinery

Frick and Frack – Isolation of Operating Machinery

In the third Fundamental for Fatality Elimination, Frack taught us a valuable lesson (which he learned the hard way) about the importance of isolation of operating machinery. This video reminded us of why we must be sure things are done right every time to avoid serious injury or fatality. 

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Machine Guarding

Frick and Frack - Machine Guarding

Guard your machines, people, or "you're gonna end up on the losing side." Did you know that inadequate machine guarding is a common citation for both OSHA and MSHA each year? Move on over to this video to learn about moving parts. 

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Confined Space Entry

Frick and Frack – Confined Space Entry

Sometimes you've gotta go where you're not really meant to be. You may have to enter a confined space while on the job. Frick and Frack cover the basics of staying safe while squished:

  1. Closely follow the permitting process.
  2. Perform air testing.
  3. Always have an authorized attendant present.
  4. Plan and practice rescue procedures ahead of time.

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Working at Heights

Frick and Frack – Working at Heights

Hello down there! The sixth lesson from Frick and Frack focused on the risks of working more than six feet off the ground. If you do have to work from heights, here's how you can stay safe:

  1. Carry out risk assessment at your location for all work at heights.
  2. Collective measures and fall protection must be provided in all cases of working at heights.
  3. Specific training must be given to all employees specific to working at heights. 

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Lifting Operations

Frick and Frack – Lifting Operations

Secure your loads! Next up, the guys covered risk management for jobs that require lifting. Any piece of equipment that can lift a load off the ground is considered a lifting operation. Here are the three focus points:

  1. Electrical hazards – Always have a trained supervisor audit the site and mark a ten foot radius around the crane.
  2. Overloading cranes – Instead of relying on instinct or experience, properly calculate lifting capacities to avoid overturning an operation.
  3. Unsecured loads – All loads need to be secured by trained personnel, and stay clear of a potential drop zone during the operation.

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Underground and Overhead Utility Dangers

Frick and Frack – Utility Dangers

Frick and Frack continued the series with another foolish near-mishap. We learned about the dangers of working near utility lines as well as the important safety points:

  1. A documented risk assessment must be carried out for all underground work and must include sight surveys for utility lines. 
  2. A documented risk assesment must be carried out for all lifting operations and for the use of mobile cranes and excavators, taking specific account of overhead utility lines. 
  3. Train personnel on how to work around overhead or underground lines, mark them adequately on the ground, and stay at least ten feet away from overhead power lines.

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Personal Protective Equipment 

Frick and Frack – PPE

Cover up for Fundamental #9! In this lesson, the guys shared the interesting history of the hard hat and other important personal protective equipment (PPE). Here's what you need to know about improving your PPE program! 

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Conveyance and Storage of Materials Under Pressure

Frick and Frack – Under Pressure

We took some advice from David Bowie for this lesson (well, kind of). You will likely come across pressurized materials in your work, so be sure to follow these basic safety measures:

  1. Personnel working with pressurized systems must be trained and competent.
  2. Conduct regular inspections.
  3. Perform maintenance according to the manufacturer's recommendation.
  4. All pressurized systems must be equipped with a functioning pressure relief system.

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Blasting Operations

Frick and Frack – Blasting Operations

Oh blast! – this is it for the series! In the 11th Fundamental for Fatality Elimination, the guys discussed the dangers that come alongside blasting operations and the safety measures you must follow:

  1. There must be a documented blasting safety policy in place for all blasting operations.
  2. Each employee on the site should be properly trained, or even certified in some states.
  3. Proper planning and design of each blast is essential for the safety of people and property. 
  4. Make sure to have proper signage and audible alerts.
  5. A competent person must do inspections both before and after the blast.
  6. Blasting agents and explosives must be properly secured, stored, and accounted for.

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What's Next for Frick and Frack?

Thanks for watching this season! We hope you found value in Frick and Frack's antics and can use this safety insight on the job. 

Frick and Frack will be back this year (although perhaps less frequently) with more safety training videos. Until then, stay safe! If you don't already, make sure you subscribe to the Safety Video Blog so you can keep up with their safety training.

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